
YOUR smile truly does tell OUR story!

We can only guide your efforts – true success begins with you. Proper home care is essential for a healthy, happy smile. With expert guidance, recommendations, and your effort, together we can improve any dental condition.

A great deal about your overall health can be seen through and affected by changes in your mouth. For example, Heart Disease and even conditions like COPD have been linked to gum disease. Early detection and proper treatment can literally save your life.

Good Oral Hygiene Contributes to Good Mental Hygiene

How many times have we heard this, or something like it? Or how about, “You are what you eat.” We hear sayings like this and we even tend to accept them as truth. But, do we put them into practice, and do we actually see the results? Are we aware enough even to notice the differences, especially when they are gradual changes?

At Desert Hawk Dental, our entire approach is tied into long standing and proven practices the produce solid and measureable results. At the same time, we make use of the latest techniques, technology, information, and expertise available today.